Osmosis Fundraising Raffle

3 min readFeb 7, 2022
Fundraising Raffle
Osmosis Fundraising Raffle

A big benefit of the crypto world is its decentralization. With its many intermediate “players,” it is more difficult to exercise market power and to have market participants follow your solutions — whatever they are. This fosters the evolution of solutions due to their benefits — because many will like them — rather than the voting power of their inventors.

Yet, there is a permanent trend toward increasing centralization. The simple reason is that we all are prone to herding effects. In order to support the stability of the Osmosis blockchain and to help secure the network against idiosyncratic influences, we have started to redelegate stakes to smaller validators. Moreover, we are running a weekly fundraising raffle to provide an incentive which might counteract the typical herding effects.

Of course, this raises the question of how we choose the weekly winners of the raffle. This is determined by a random process, which is described in more detail below. To ensure transparency, we also publish the weekly winners on Twitter.

How the raffle works

We are using Python to query all delegations to Validatus from the osmosis blockchain. A json file will be the source file for (Pandas) DataFrames.

The raw source file of delegations from calendar week 1 of year 2022 is represented as CW-01-2022-delegations-shares.json.
Those json files are used to derive the xlsx spreadsheet application files¹.

The numpy.random.uniform function draws samples from a uniform distribution between 1 and 2 df['randNum'] = np.random.uniform(low=1.0, high=2.0, size=len(df)).

Every delegation will be attached to a randNum. The highest number represents the winning Ticket number, whenever the delegation.delagator_address is not represented in the osmosis-winner.xlsx at least for the last six month.
As we have seen a lot of smaller delegations, smaller than 1 Osmo, we are going to exclude winners with a delegation less than 10 Osmo from now on.


If all conditions are met, we will have a new Osmo #winner!

The winner is announced by posting on Twitter the corresponding transaction hashes (TX HASHES) every Friday — even sometimes very late in the night.

The winner is

For further illustration of the process, see below. We hope you get a useful insight into the Fundraising raffle, we are using.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out — support@validatus.com.

Be part of the Validatus journey, help to improve the stability of Osmosis, and delegate now, and you might be the next lucky winner of our weekly raffle on next Friday

File Structure
json excerpt
Pandas DataFrame — dfW

[1]: We although store data in a database as well (PostgreSQL). For quick reviews, we store xlsx spreadsheet application files




Validatus: German-based, global staking service with top-tier security, independence, and expertise in Cosmos & Polkadot ecosystems.